
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要




关键词: 地铁文化 导向标识系统 地铁换乘


Subway has become an indispensable part in Nanjing residents’ life .Its form, development and progress are connected in people's life.

In China each subway cities there are belong to their respective subway culture, but also have many similar characteristics. The guide logo is not only as passengers’ guidance also a culture communication station about the city.

In the construction of urban subway, the importance of metro guide logo system marking by more and more people's attention, especially the orientation identification system in subway station. In subway stations, the space is narrow, within insufficient, short of sunlight bring disadvantages including brings a kind of intense anxiety emotions to passengers. Some subway station for wiring transfer its internal structure can compares maze, high density in passenger flow is large, under the condition of wasting precious time undoubtedly. This moment needs humanized system to alleviate people's fear to ease tension anxiety atmosphere.

Good guidance logo can not only lead people fast ride and transfer to the subway, and in ensure passenger following best path entering the subway station at the same time can attract potential passenger travel choice subway system, can relieve roads pressure greatly. Improve the urban working efficiency To keep the city environment is good.

Key words:

Subway culture Oriented identification system Metro transfer

目 录

前 言 1

1绪论 2

1.1研究背景 2

1.1.1地铁站在城市中的角色 3

1.1.2地铁站内外特点 4

1.1.3世界几大城市地铁导向系统现状 4

1.1.4我国几大城市地铁导向系统现状 6

1.2研究意义 9

1.3研究目的 10

1.4研究方法 10

1.5研究路线图 11

2基本概念 11

2.1地铁站外导向标识的概念 11

2.2导向系统设计要素 12

2.2.1色彩与色调 12

2.2.2文字与字体 12

2.2.3图形与符号 13

2.2.4安装方式 13

2.3人性化需求层次 13

2.4导向标识系统与人的需求之间的关系 14

3南京市居民出行特征分析 15

3.1南京市居民出行目的构成 15

3.2南京市居民出行方式构成 17

3.3与地铁相衔接的几种出行方式分析 18

4地铁站外导向标识的布设范围与地铁站的吸引范围 20

4.1南京地铁线概况 20

4.2人体尺度与标识设计 21

4.3站外导向标识的辐射范围 22

4.4地铁站的吸引范围 23

5地铁站外导向标识布置方案(以南京新街口为例) 26

5.1道路网的情况 27

5.2用地性质 27

5.3常规公交线路 28

5.4设计合理的客流流线 29

5.5节点优化设置导向标识 32

6站外导向标识布点方案的评价 34

6.1评价基本准则和方法 35

6.2评价指标体系的构成 35

6.3预选方案评价过程 36

6.4方案的综合定量评价 38

7总结与展望 39

7.1总结 39

7.2总体展望 40

7.3创新展望——电子导向标识的运用 41

7.3.1导向标识发展趋势 41

7.3.2电子导向标识的运用 42

7.3.3地铁站外电子导向标识经济性评价 43

致 谢 45

参考文献 46

前 言


随着南京市的不断发展,地铁正逐渐成为城市客运系统中的主干部分。2005年9月,南京地铁1号线正式投入商业运营,南京成为国内第6个、世界第136个拥有地铁的城市,作为地铁系统与乘客直接接触的第一个系统,站外导向标识的作用日益得到研究人员的重视。站外导向标识的作用主要有两个方面: ⑴ 保证客流遵循最佳路径进入恰当的地铁车站 ⑵ 吸引潜在客流选择乘坐地铁系统出行。


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