
 2021-04-21 09:04

摘 要


然而,车辆在运输的过程中经常会遇到交通拥堵的情况,极易发生交通事故。提高运输环境质量和道路交通安全质量,减少拥堵情况,成为交通运输亟待解决的重要问题。为此人们研发出车载自组织网络(Vehicular Ad Hoc Network VANET),移动VANET网络是一种应用于交通运输领域的、移动的、无线无中心的、跳跃的自组织网络。它将运输车队中的每个车辆作为节点,每个节点在移动VANET网络中进行数据通信。由于节点的高速频繁地移动,移VANET动网络自身具有拓扑结构和周围复杂的运输环境,在节点之间进行信息传输尤其是安全信息的广播和通讯的时候,会出现隐藏终端问题,导致数据包丢失,降低运输车辆行驶的安全性。





最后本文利用Visual Basic开发车载自组织网络中数据冲突检测软件,通过确定协议以及网络中的车辆,用来对车辆节点进行模拟场景,通过场景状况来说明位图能够有效的抑制隐藏终端问题。


Research on the Method of Suppressing Hidden Terminal in Intelligent Logistics Transportation Fleet


At present, modern science and technology and social and economic development have reached a certain height, and the application of the Internet has penetrated into the production and life of the masses. As an important driving force of China's modern economy, the logistics industry is also in a period of rapid development. Transportation is the main controlling factor in the logistics industry. The combination of the Internet and logistics and transportation has produced intelligent logistics transportation. The generation of intelligent logistics transportation has greatly improved the efficiency of the logistics industry. The popularity of the intelligent logistics transportation fleet can more rationally allocate transportation resources. , greatly improving the transportation efficiency of logistics, thereby reducing the total cost of society.

However, vehicles often encounter traffic jams during transportation and are prone to traffic accidents. Improving the quality of the transportation environment and the safety and quality of road traffic and reducing congestion have become important issues for transportation. To this end, people have developed a Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET), a mobile, wireless, non-central, jumping self-organizing network used in the transportation field. It will transport each vehicle in the fleet as a node, with each node communicating data in a mobile VANET network. Due to the high-speed frequent movement of nodes, the mobile VANET mobile network itself has a topological structure and a complex transportation environment around it. When information is transmitted between nodes, especially broadcast and communication of security information, hidden terminal problems may occur, resulting in data packets. Lost and reduce the safety of transport vehicles.

This paper introduces the detailed mobile VANET network and hidden terminal problem under the background of intelligent logistics transportation. It mainly discusses the method of suppressing hidden terminals in intelligent logistics transportation fleet. It is based on a bitmap monitoring analysis method to hide the terminal problem is solved. It has been proved by practice that the bitmap-based method can effectively solve the packet loss problem caused by hidden terminals in the intelligent logistics transportation fleet, greatly reducing the packet loss rate and ensuring the safe transportation of the logistics fleet. From the opening of the paper to the end, the main work includes several things:

(1) In the early stage of this thesis, a detailed understanding of intelligent logistics, especially intelligent logistics transportation, was made. According to the research status at home and abroad, the definition of intelligent logistics and intelligent logistics transportation, typical characteristics and development trends, can be seen more intuitively. The research background of this paper.

(2) In the medium term, this paper mainly collects and organizes the knowledge of the vehicle self-organizing network and related theories, and summarizes and organizes them in the paper. In the paper, it is embodied in the paper to explain the related concepts of the mobile VANET network, and analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Hidden terminal problems, and summarized several common ways to solve hidden terminals.

(3) In the middle and later period, based on his understanding of the in-vehicle network and hidden terminals, this paper proposes a new bitmap-based method to deal with hidden terminals, from constructing a special network model to proposing a new algorithm. The algorithm can detect whether the hidden terminal exists and solve the problem through random gap.

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