
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 本课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 1

1.2.1 国外发展现状 1

1.2.2 国内发展现状 2

1.3 差分仪的系统结构 2

1.4 本文要研究的主要工作 3

第二章 硬件系统设计 5

2.1 电源电路 5

2.2 复位电路设计 7

2.3 传感器及信号调理电路 8

2.3.1 传感器介绍 8

2.3.2 信号调理电路 9

2.4 电柱 9

2.4.1 发光二极管的布置形式 10

2.4.2 锁存器及译码器的选择 10

2.5 键盘及数码管显示电路设计 13

2.5.1 键盘设计 13

2.5.2 数码管显示电路 14

2.6 STM32微处理器 17

2.7 E2PROM存储电路设计 18

2.8 RS-232串行接口通信电路设计 20

第三章 基于STM32的汽车零部件行位差分仪的软件设计 22

3.1 基于STM32的汽车零部件行位差分仪的软件开发平台 22

3.2 基于STM32的汽车零部件差分仪的软件结构 23

3.3 基于STM32的汽车零部件差分仪的程序设计 24

3.2.1 灯柱控制模块程序设计 24

3.3.2 数据采集模块程序设计 25

3.3.3 键盘处理模块程序设计 26

3.3.4 串口通信模块程序设计 28

第四章 误差分析 31

4.1 误差概述 31

4.1.1 误差的主要来源 31

4.1.2 误差的处理 32

4.2 误差分析 33

4.2.1 测控系统的非线性 33

4.2.2 系统的噪声 33

4.2.3 系统的稳定性 33

4.2.4 读数的修正、补偿 34

致 谢 35

参考文献 36

附 录 38

基于STM32的汽车零部件行位差分仪实物图 38

摘 要


基于STM 32的汽车零部件行位差分仪基本组成为:STM 32微处理器、电柱、A/D转换器、传感器、锁存器、译码器、键盘、数码管等组成。其基本原理为:通过传感器作用于被测试件上,将试件表面状况通过传感器电压的变化传递到A/D转化器,其将模拟电压转化为数字信号,传递给STM 32进行处理,处理器通过运算将所测的数值显示在数码管上,同时通过三色电柱将零件误差程度显示出来,其中绿色代表零件良好,红色代表零件已经损坏,橙色代表零件部分受损。通过数值与电柱显示就可以直观了解零件状态。






With the continuous development of science and technology, many high-tech products continue to be used in all walks of life. In the present, the automotive industry developed rapidly, which is the production of auto parts and efficiency of a higher quality requirements, so in parts production, high-precision line-bit differential analyzer is indispensable. STM32 line of auto parts based on digital differential analyzer for the microprocessor used is the STM32, STM32 is a 32-bit processor, which has many advanced peripherals such as dual-channel ADC, multi-function timer, general-purpose input and output ports, seven channel DMA, high-speed communication port (SPI, USART, etc.). Process of auto parts in the measurement error, and by three-color dynamic light column display. Users can use the keyboard, input devices such as digital measurement process to set the parameters to meet the testing requirements of different parts. Changing the past only be detected through the digital part to understand the situation, this difference meter and three-color light beam through the numerical changes, making the observer more intuitive understanding of the part is the line position error, in addition to the differential analyzer is a very high accuracy , which makes more accurate detection of automotive components, greatly improving the efficiency of the inspection department.

Auto parts based on STM 32-bit differential line elements for the instrument: STM 32 microprocessors, electric column, A / D converter, line level sensor, latch, decoder, keyboard, digital control and so on. The basic principle is: act on the sensor being tested by piece, the surface condition of the specimen changes the voltage to pass through the sensor to the A / D converter, the analog voltage into digital signals, passed to the STM 32 for processing, the processor measured by computing the value displayed on the digital tube, through the tri-color electronic components of error column will appear, where green represents part good, red for parts had been damaged, partially damaged parts on behalf of Orange. Column shows the numerical and electrical parts to be intuitive understanding of the state.

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