
 2021-04-21 09:04

摘 要


物流企业数量的扩张说明了我国物流行业从发展期向成熟期过渡的阶段。从近几年的科技发展来看,整体物流效率有所提高,但与发达国家的物流效率水平相比,仍有提升空间。学术界和行业界还将继续关注物流业的发展。另一方面,共享经济在我国进入快速发展时期,各行业共享模式的成功推行使共享理念深入人心,也让消费者切实感受到了共享经济带来的便利。共享经济利用互联网信息技术构建平台,有效利用产能过剩造成的闲置资源。目前,在我国积极倡导供给侧改革的背景下,中国的物流业仍有相当一部分资源未得到充分利用。与此同时,消费者的需求越来越多元化,个性化的需求也未得到满足。供求信息不对称和供需不平衡问题日益严重。本文从阐释我国物流行业发展切入,剖析当前物流企业发展过程中受到的制约,探析物流企业转型升级中存在的问题, 加之结合时代背景探讨共享经济运作的模式,以期借助共享模式探索物流行业发展新模式——共享物流。从己经运营的物流企业来看,共享模式能够充分提高物流各种资源的利用率,为消费者提供更加人性化的服务,让企业的物流成本更低、更有效,这不仅有效的推进了物流发展的进程,还推动了国家经济的建设。


Shared logistics concept and practice research


In the modern era, the modern logistics industry belongs to the productive service industry and is the national key encouragement development industry. As a national economy basic industry, modern logistics industry integrates many industries such as road transportation, warehousing and information industry. It involves a wide range of fields and attracts a large number of employed people. The development of modern logistics industry can promote the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure, and its development level has become One of the important signs of measuring overall national strength. In recent years, some logistics companies have expanded their economies and expanded their business scale through strategic alliances.

The expansion of the number of logistics enterprises seems to indicate the stage of the transition of China's logistics industry from the development period to the maturity period. The overall logistics efficiency has improved, but compared with the logistics efficiency level of developed countries, there is still room for improvement. The academic community and the industry continue to pay attention to the development of the logistics industry. On the other hand, the sharing economy has entered a period of rapid development in China, and the successful implementation of the sharing model of various industries has made the sharing concept deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and also made consumers feel the convenience brought by the sharing economy. The sharing economy uses the Internet information technology to build a platform to effectively use idle resources caused by overcapacity. At present, under the background of the country's vigorous promotion of supply-side reform, China's logistics industry still has a considerable part of its resources not being fully utilized. At the same time, consumers' increasingly diversified and personalized consumer demand has not been met, and supply and demand information is asymmetrical. The problem of imbalance between supply and demand has become more serious. This paper explains the development of China's logistics industry, analyzes the constraints of the current logistics enterprise development process, analyzes the problems existing in the transformation and upgrading of logistics enterprises, and then introduces the mode of shared economic operation, in order to explore the new development mode of logistics industry by means of sharing mode. Sharing logistics. From the point of view of the logistics enterprises that have been operated, the sharing model can fully improve the utilization of various resources of logistics, provide consumers with more humanized services, make the logistics costs of enterprises lower and more effective, and effectively promote the process of logistics development. It also promoted national economic construction.

Key words:Shared logistics;Sharing economy;Transformation;Development

目 录

1绪论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.2研究意义 - 2 -

1.3研究思路 - 3 -

1.4研究综述 - 3 -

1.4.1共享经济研究现状 - 3 -

1.4.2共享物流研究现状 - 5 -

2我国物流发展现状 - 7 -

2.1物流的内涵 - 7 -

2.2我国物流行业现状 - 7 -

2.3共享物流模式的PEST分析 - 10 -

2.3.1政治环境分析 - 10 -

2.3.2经济环境分析 - 11 -

2.3.3社会环境分析 - 11 -

2.3.1技术环境分析 - 13 -

2.4现存短板 - 13 -

3共享经济模式探究 - 15 -

3.1共享经济的内涵 - 15 -

3.2共享经济下的商业模式 - 15 -

3.2.2共享经济商业模式的产业价值链主体 - 15 -

3.2.3共享经济发展的基本要素 - 16 -

4共享物流现有模式探究 - 18 -

4.1共享物流的内涵及背景 - 18 -

4.1.1共享物流的内涵 - 18 -

4.1.2共享物流的背景 - 18 -

4.2目前国内主要应用共享物流模式的企业实例 - 19 -

4.2.1共享货运资源 - 19 -

4.2.2基础技术设备资源共享 - 19 -

4.2.3末端网点资源共享 - 20 -

5共享物流模式探究与可行性分析 - 22 -

5.1共享物流模式探究 - 22 -

5.1.1货运资源共享 - 22 -

5.1.2物流基础技术装备资源共享 - 22 -

5.1.3物流基础设施资源共享 - 23 -

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