
 2021-04-21 10:04

摘 要





Cognition and Reflection on the Transformation from Railway Freight Transport to Modern Logistics


As an important component of China's transportation system, railway transportation is popular among the people and is one of the modes of transportation chosen by many logistics enterprises. However, with the pace of global economic integration is accelerating, the improvement of people's living standards and the advent of the information age, the rapid development of other modes of transport, resulting in China's logistics industry in the fierce market competition, the railway freight market in the proportion decreases continuously, can not meet the need of railway freight logistics development the. Therefore, it is urgent for railway freight transportation to transform and reform modern logistics.

At the same time, in the economic development and social progress, China's logistics industry is booming, showing a thriving scene. With the promotion of economic globalization, China's railway freight will face the opportunities and challenges at home and abroad, and the development of the times, the development of modern logistics in China is undoubtedly the best way to improve the railway freight market competitiveness.

Therefore, this paper introduces the current situation of the development of railway freight and modern logistics, understand the gap between the railway freight of our country has carried on the analysis to the transformation of modern logistics, this paper expounds the necessity of transformation and problems, and the developed countries logistics experience, puts forward some ideas and Countermeasures for the transformation of compliance with the current situation of China railway transport to modern logistics, which has a positive meaning to the impact of China's development of railway freight transportation.

Key words:Railway Freight Transportation;Modern logistics;Transformation

目 录

1 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景与意义 5

1.2 国内外研究现状 6

1.2.1 国内铁路货运发展现状 6

1.2.2 国外铁路货运发展现状 10

1.3 主要研究内容 10

1.4 本章小结 11

2 铁路货运向现代物流转型的分析 12

2.1 中国铁路发展现代物流的必要性 12

2.1.1 铁路货运物流需求分析 13

2.1.3 铁路自身发展的需要 14

2.1.4 铁路货运竞争力的分析 15

2.1.6 铁路货运经济增长点的需求分析 20

2.2 我国铁路发展现代物流的优势分析 21

2.2.1 铁路路网分析 21

2.2.2 铁路形象分析 21

2.2.3 铁路资源分析 22

2.2.4 铁路物流信息平台分析 22

2.2.5 铁路物流环境分析 22

2.3 我国铁路发展现代物流的劣势分析 23

2.3.1 铁路员工的观念分析 23

2.3.2 铁路的管理手段分析 23

2.3.3 铁路的生产组织分析 23

2.3.4 铁路的专业人才分析 25

2.4 本章小结 25

3 我国铁路货运发展现代物流的启示 26

3.1 继续推进铁路基础设施建设,大力进行物流基础设施的构建 26

3.2 继续推进管理制度的改革,改善铁路发展物流的制度环境 27

3.3 加强铁路标准化体系建设 28

3.4 运用信息技术,建立信息控制网络平台 29

3.5 吸纳物流人才,注重人才培养 29

3.5.1 思想观念从传统管理向资源开发转变 29

3.5.2 职工教育由单一培养向复合培养转变 30

3.5.3 管理机制从控制监督向激励约束转变 31

3.5.4 人才挖掘从以内为主向内外结合转变 31

3.6 运用现代物流理念,推动现有铁路货运体系的改革和发展 32

3.6.1 建立多元化经营机制,提高铁路竞争力 32

3.6.2 积极依靠科技进步 32

3.6.3 拓展经营领域,向现代物流企业发展 32

3.7 建立便捷的铁路货运体系 33

3.7.1 尽快构建起快速运输网络 33

3.7.2 重组货运业务流程 33

3.8 本章小结 34

4 案例:南京铁路货运中心向现代物流转型分析 35

4.1 现状分析 35

4.2 优势分析 37

4.2.1 具备遍布全国的庞大的运输网络 37

4.2.2 具备货运与物流相似的功能 37

4.2.3 具备物流基础的设施设备 37

4.3 劣势分析 37

4.3.1 运输能力的束缚 37

4.3.2 资源缺乏有效的整合 38

4.3.3 现代物流人才的欠缺 38

4.4 发展现代物流的解决方案 38

4.4.1 加强与公路的合作,实现公铁联运的双赢 38

4.4.2 培训专业的物流人才 38

4.4.3 大力发展电子商务 39

4.5 本章小结 39

5 结论 40

5.1 总结 40

5.2 未来展望 40

致 谢 42

参考文献 43

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义



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