
 2021-04-21 11:04

摘 要



Research on the wisdom logistics of jd.com


In recent years, with the development of Internet technology in our country, the gorgeous "transformation" of electronic commerce, intelligent logistics have for our country transportation, storage and production and sales companies such as extensive knowledge, familiar with. Wisdom logistics based on Internet of things the emerging technology been recognized more and more enterprises, the emergence of the idea in modern logistics industry automation, network, real-time, tracking, and the development trend of intelligent control, can greatly reduce business cost, promote the industry upgrading, is the direction of future logistics development, the logistics industry to the "wisdom logistics" the transformation and upgrading of unstoppable. At present, our country attaches great importance to the development of intelligent logistics, but due to the wisdom of logistics in our country is still in its primary stage, its development still exist many problems, such as logistics enterprises small in scale, scattered layout, management, logistics information standards compared with the developed countries is still relatively backward, even information technology lags behind, the lack of perfect information platform, lack of logistics professionals, etc. Jd.com has been emphasizing the increasing efficiency of technological innovation and has accumulated great data resources in years of operation and innovation practices. Big data for the wisdom of the application of science and technology business level ground implement provides exhibition, assessment, prediction and visualization management and auxiliary decision-making support in many aspects, this article in jingdong, for example, analytic wisdom logistics in the actual application situation and problems, to better promote our country's logistics development wisdom provide better lessons. At the same time, the logistics development plan should be formulated and the relevant policies and regulations should be established. We will accelerate the construction of the standardization system for logistics information. Breakthroughs in core information technology and the establishment of a logistics information platform; Train the personnel of logistics management.

Keywords: intellectual logistics; The Internet of things; jing dong

目 录

引 言 - 1 -

1 智慧物流的概述 - 3 -

1.1智慧物流 - 3 -

1.2智慧物流的传统技术 - 4 -

1.3智慧物流的新技术 - 5 -

1.3.1云计算 - 5 -

1.3.2大数据 - 7 -

2 发展智慧物流的动因 - 10 -

2.1自发意识 - 10 -

2.2社会需求的拉动 - 11 -

2.3经济利益的驱动 - 11 -

2.4政府政策的引导 - 12 -

2.5环保强制力 - 13 -

2.6技术进步促进力 - 13 -

3 智慧物流的发展现状 - 14 -

3.1国外智慧物流发展现状 - 14 -

3.2国内智慧物流发展现状 - 14 -

3.3物流发展中存在的问题 - 15 -

4 京东的智慧物流 - 16 -

4.1京东的简介 - 16 -

4.2京东智慧物流 - 17 -

4.2.1智能物流平台 - 17 -

4.2.2物流信息系统支撑 - 18 -

4.2.3配送区域选址 - 18 -

4.3全智能无人仓库 - 19 -

4.4无人机 - 20 -

4.5无人车 - 21 -

5 京东智慧物流的SWOT分析 - 22 -

5.1优势(strengths) - 22 -

5.1.1规模大 - 22 -

5.1.2技术的自主研发 - 22 -

5.2劣势(weaknesses) - 23 -

5.2.1成本投资大 - 23 -

5.2.2专业人才匮乏 - 23 -

5.2.3智能化普及度低 - 23 -

5.3机会(opportunities) - 24 -

5.3.1市场竞争潜力大 - 24 -

5.3.2背景资源庞大 - 24 -

5.3.3强大的合作伙伴 - 24 -

5.4威胁(threats) - 25 -

6 智慧物流发展存在的问题 - 27 -

6.1管理机制不统一 - 27 -

6.2企业智慧化程度低 - 27 -

6.3缺乏信息体系标准 - 27 -

6.4信息技术落后 - 27 -

6.5缺乏物流专业人才 - 28 -

7 发展智慧物流的对策 - 29 -

7.1完善相关制度 - 29 -

7.2提供资源保障 - 29 -

结 论 - 31 -

致 谢 - 32 -

参考文献 - 33 -

引 言

中国经济的发展突飞猛进,物流业已经作为国民经济组成中不可或缺的部分,促进我国国内经济和对外贸易的发展。中国物流的发展经过了粗放型物流—系统化物流—电子化物流—智能物流—智慧物流等五个阶段,既是大数据智慧物流取代了现代物流。继第三次工业革命后,2013年大数据开始进入人们的视野,2014年移动互联网充斥着社会生活的方方面面,在此基础上,智慧物流应运而生。2009 年提出“智慧物流”的观念,现在主要的研究成果不仅仅是停留在智慧物流的概念、意义层面,更多的是对实现智慧物流而提出的对策和建议进行深入探讨和研究。作为一个系统的、综合的概念,智慧物流不仅要解决技术上的问题,它还涉及政府、企业以及消费者等多个主体,受经济发展影响、国家政策约束、技术层面限制、环境保护制约等。我国物流发展起步较晚,但是通过借鉴国外技术,发展速度很快,智慧物流在我国已经被各企业认知和接受。从智慧物流的发展历程上可以看出,物流的发展总是基于技术的进步,因此对智慧物流的研究可以从技术方面着手,首先概述国内外智慧物流发展的概况,通过现代智能化技术来分析智慧物流,再者通过现代技术在物流行业的应用来展现智慧物流呈现出来的整体运营情况,分析智慧物流带给物流行业的巨大变化以及进步。物联网、云计算、大数据和“三网融合”等作为智慧物流的技术支持,实现对物流全过程可自动感知识别、可跟踪溯源、可实时应对、可智能化决策。


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