
 2023-02-15 12:02


摘 要






Road traffic organization design of tram——Taking the tram of Kirin Kirk Park in Nanjing as an example


With the increasing scale of modern cities and the increasing demand for land, the contradiction between land use is prominent. China has a large population and large urban population density. As the dominant mode of urban traffic, the car will bring a massive congestion to the urban road network, which seriously affects the development of the city. Therefore, it is imperative to develop public transport in our country.

Modern tram, as an important part of urban rail transit, has a higher degree of electrification and more advanced control system compared with the traditional tram. Compared with the conventional bus, it has the advantages of high precision, large volume, safety and reliability, compared with other rail transit, such as subway and light rail. The tram is short in time and low in cost. It is especially suitable for medium-sized cities, and it can obviously improve the transportation capacity of public transportation system after it is combined with the conventional bus. So far, modern trams have been built and operated in cities such as Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Shenyang and Hongkong.

According to the research and analysis of the modern trams that have been operated, the trams are disturbed by the social vehicles and the signal lights at the intersection, which will lead to the reduction of the reliability of the tram operation, the increase of the delay, the reduction of the running capacity and the safety of the running. Therefore, how to make the modern tram run efficiently and safely and reduce the impact of tram on the social vehicles along the line has become the focus of the research.

On the basis of fully learning the research results of predecessors, the paper puts forward the priority organization mode of modern tram trunk lines. The scheme adopts active priority strategy for modern trams, that is to realize green light early warning and green light extension strategy. According to the investigation of the traffic volume and signal timing, the interference of the non trunk traffic flow is reduced, the concept of the shortest green light time is put forward, and the green light early start and green light extension strategy are carried out again on the basis of the implementation of the priority of the modern tram.

Keywords:Modern trams; Traffic characteristics; Intersection reconstruction; Active priority.

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 1

1.2.1 研究目的 1

1.2.2 研究意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1 现代有轨电车运行特性分析 2

1.3.2 现代有轨电车信号优先控制 2

1.4 主要研究内容和思路 3

1.4.1 主要研究内容 3

1.4.2 技术路线 3

第二章 现状调查与分析 5

2.1 南京麒麟有轨电车概况 5

2.2 有轨电车沿线道路概况 7

2.2.1 有轨电车途径道路概况 7

2.2.2 有轨电车途径交叉口道路概况 7

2.3 有轨电车对沿线道路交通的影响 8

第三章 道路交通组织 10

3.1 沿线道路交通组织原则 10

3.2 沿线道路交叉口交通组织 10

3.3 沿线道路交叉口协调设计 14

3.4 小结 18

第四章 交叉口信号控制 19

4.1 信号优先 19

4.2 优先控制方案设计 19

4.3 增设有轨电车专用相位 20

4.4 主动优先控制策略与流程 20

4.4.1 绿灯提前启亮策略 20

4.4.2 绿灯延长策略 22

4.5 沿线交叉口信号优先方案 24

4.5.1 南湾营街交叉口信号优化方案 24

4.5.2 沧波门北街交叉口信号优化方案 25

4.6 现代有轨电车优先对干线交通的影响 26

4.7 小结 27

第五章 结论与展望 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

第一章 绪论




1.2 研究目的与意义

1.2.1 研究目的


  1. 总结分析现代有轨电车交通特性以及其行驶道路条件于与环境,提出与交叉口信号控制相关参数;
  2. 研究主动优先策略控制流程,为实现有轨电车优先控制提供理论指导;
  3. 建立现代有轨电车信号优先控制模型,画出相位配时图,比较交通延误,得出最优模型。

1.2.2 研究意义


  1. 减少现代有轨电车在交叉口处与其他社会车辆的冲突;
  2. 减少交叉口处社会车辆与现代有轨电车的总体延误;
  3. 缓解城市交通压力,提高现代有轨电车运行效率。

1.3 国内外研究现状


1.3.1 现代有轨电车运行特性分析


