
 2023-02-15 11:02


摘 要



Discussion on standardized management of clinical trials of in vitro diagnostic reagents


In vitro diagnostic reagents are important tools for medical laboratory-assisted clinical diagnosis. They must undergo clinical trials before being approved by the food and drug supervision and administration department for clinical use. This paper uses literature review, questionnaire survey, case analysis and other research methods to analyze the current status and causes of in vitro diagnostic reagent clinical trials, and then combines their own ideas with laws and regulations to explore how to standardize the management of in vitro diagnostic reagent clinical trials, how to be scientific and reasonable Grasping the ethical principles in the clinical trial process of in vitro diagnostic reagents, the standard is strict, and the clinical trials are not affected smoothly. It is hoped that it can help the standardized management of in vitro diagnostic reagent clinical trials, so as to ensure that the in vitro diagnostic reagents circulating in the market are safe, effective and effective.

 Keywords: In vitro diagnostic reagents; Clinical Trials;Normalization;Ethics


摘 要..........................................................................................................................................................................Ⅰ


第一章 体外诊断试剂背景和意义 1

1.1体外诊断试剂背景 1

1.1.1体外诊断试剂市场发展好 1

1.1.2体外诊断试剂市场富有潜力 2

1.2体外诊断试剂临床试验的意义 2

1.2.1IVD试剂需求大 2

1.2.2法律法规的要求 2

第二章 体外诊断试剂临床试验现状 3

2.1IVD试剂临床试验现状 3

2.1.1IVD试剂临床试验法律法规不够完善 3

2.1.2IVD试剂临床试验流程不够规范 3

2.1.3伦理问题存在争议 4

2.1.4IVD试剂临床试验质量控制差 4

2.1.5IVD试剂临床试验设计可参考方案少 5

2.2IVD试剂临床试验现状产生原因 5

2.2.1缺乏IVD试剂临床试验经验 5

2.2.2不重视IVD试剂临床试验 6

2.2.3IVD试剂申办者投入少 7

2.2.4IVD试剂注册申报混乱 7

2.2.5IVD试剂临床试验监查、监管混乱 7

第三章 体外诊断临床试验的规范化管理对策 8

3.1IVD试剂规范化管理对策 8

3.1.1完善IVD试剂临床试验法律法规 8

3.1.2规范IVD试剂临床试验流程 8

3.1.3调整IVD试剂临床试验伦理焦点 8

3.1.4加强IVD试剂临床试验监查、监管 9

3.1.5提高IVD试剂临床试验参与者素质 9

3.1.6提高IVD试剂临床试验的质量控制水平 9

第四章 体外诊断试剂临床试验的案例分析 11

4.1方案设计脱离实际 11

4.2免知情又需要知情同意 11

4.3小结 11

第五章 体外诊断试剂临床试验未来展望 13

致 谢 14

参考文献(References) 15

附 录....................................................................................................................................................................17

第一章 体外诊断试剂背景和意义


随着医学、生物医学工程、生物化学、免疫学、分子生物学等学科的发展,体外诊断(In Vitro Diagnosis,IVD)逐步发展起来。体外诊断行业发展迅速得益于20世纪第一台生化分析仪的问世和分子诊断、免疫分析的兴起。体外诊断市场由两部分构成:体外诊断仪器和体外诊断试剂,而后者占据了体外诊断市场的大部分。[[1]]


