
 2021-04-20 10:04

摘 要

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的目的及意义 1

1.2.1 研究的目的 1

1.2.2 研究的意义 2

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1 国内研究现状 2

1.3.2 国外现状 2

1.4 研究原则 3

1.5 研究方法 3

第二章 南京公共交通的规划与发展概况 4

2.1 南京市城市概况 4

2.2 南京市社会经济分析 5

2.3 南京市交通基本概况 5

2.3.1 城市交通结构分析 5

2.3.2 公共交通规划 6

2.4 南京市公交客流现状 6

2.5 南京市公共汽车发展面临的挑战 8

2.5.1 公交企业亏损严重 8

2.5.2 市民对公交服务不满意 9

2.5.3 热线重叠严重,冷线运力不足 10

2.6 交通发展的基本经验 10

2.7本章小结 11

第三章 江宁城乡公共交通发展现状 12

3.1 存在的问题 12

3.1.1 交通基础设施与发展需求存在一定差距 12

3.1.2 交通行业管理水平需进一步提高 12

3.1.3 客运服务不能充分满足人民群众日益多样化的出行需求 13

3.1.4 可持续发展能力有待提高 14

3.2 公交车现状 14

3.3 出租车现状 15

3.4 城乡居民的意见 15

3.5 江宁城乡的发展目标 15

3.6 城乡公共交通发展环境 16

3.7 本章小结 16

第四章 江宁城乡公共交通发展规划 17

4.1 城乡公共交通需求分析 17

4.2 客流调查 17

4.2.1 调查分析的内容 17

4.2.2 个人出行率目的分析 18

4.2.3 个人出行时间分析 18

4.2.4 个人出行方式分析 19

4.2.5 客流集散点特征分析 19

4.3 公交线路调整 19

4.3.1 线路调整类型 19

4.3.2线路调整方法 22

4.4 江宁区乡镇居民出行预测 24

4.5 江宁城乡公共交通发展目标 24

4.5.1 发展目标 24

4.5.2 部分线路调整 25

4.5.3 南京市公交服务优化 25

4.5.4 建立有序完善的公共交通网 28

4.5.5 城乡公共交通运行的四个规范 28

4.5.6 改革城乡公共交通经营模式 29

4.5.7 加快农村客运班线公司化改造步伐 29

4.5.8 严厉打击非法营运和非法炒作等违法行为 29

4.5.9 加大财政对城乡公交的政策扶持力度 29

4.6 以民众意见为核心 30

4.7 本章小结 30

结论 31

致谢 33

参考文献 34







With the economic development of cities and acceleration of urbanization, urban traffic is becoming a big problem. There are two main causes to this issue, the first one is the deficiency of city lay-out and road capacity, that is the shortage of traffic supply; the other is the increase of traffic demand with city economic development. Therefore the development of urban public transport has become the consensus of countries in the world. Currently, there has been the opposite maturity public transportation network planning in the big cities and the medium-sized cities in our country. This is the capital of Jiangsu provincial --- Nanjing concrete examples of the development and project of bus.

The first chapter introduction expounds the research background, current research at home and abroad, and puts forward purpose and meaning,contents and methods。The second chapter summarizes public transport survey, research three kinds of distribution of flow of passengers. The third chapter analyzes situation of Public transportation of Jiangning, city profiles, social economic and focuses on analyzing the Nanjing bus. Through the survey and analysis of Jiangning dweller, the last chapter forecasts the citizens’ trip,and planning Nanjing bus development finally.

This thesis makes bus line network operators more rational, more scientific planning, increase awareness of road use efficiency. It is conducive to safe and convenient urban residents to travel, to promote rapid economic development in urban areas.

Key words: Traffic planning, Public transport, Forecast, Development

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


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