
 2023-02-15 11:02


摘 要





The Influence of Pyramid Ownership Structure on the Value of Chinese Listed Companies


In the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, China"s economy has developed rapidly and enterprises with various forms of ownership coexist, and the financing channels of enterprises are more diversified. China"s capital market started late and has long been dominated by the absorption of financing methods in developed countries and regions. Pyramid ownership structure is widely used in the west. Modern research also shows that a large number of listed companies have a "pyramid" shape of ownership structure. Scholars at home and abroad have a certain research on the definition and cause of pyramid ownership structure. This is also the theoretical basis for this article.

In carries on the simple summarization of predecessors" research results, found that most researchers believe that the value of the relevant enterprises by the pyramid shareholding structure, control of the chain length scale, equity separation degree, enterprise nature, the influence of the index such as the control and ownership, the author also made a number of related assumptions on the basis of these indicators. In order to facilitate the reader to understand the relevant concepts and the theoretical basis of pyramid ownership structure, the author also gives a brief description. From domestic mainstream financial database access to the domestic A-share listed companies from 2014 to 2016 of the relevant data and eliminate part should not be used for the empirical analysis of the data, which identified the study variables, then use your own model (based on economic value added is characterized as a measure of enterprise value index) to complete the related empirical analysis, using the descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis.

The empirical results indicate that the described some of the assumptions of was confirmed, but as the study be explained variable (economic value added) is relatively new, and some variables because cannot batch get prevented some results through the correlation test. Finally, based on the confirmed results, the results are summarized and relevant Suggestions are provided for decision makers.

Keywords: Pyramid ownership structure; Listed Chinese enterprises; The enterprise value; The empirical analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究方法及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及写作思路 2

1.4 创新点 2

第二章 文献回顾与综述 3

2.1 部分学者对股权结构的认识 3

2.2 国内外学者对于金字塔股权结构的研究 3

2.2.1 国外研究情况 3

2.2.2 国内研究情况 4

2.3 文献评述 5

第三章 金字塔股权结构与企业价值关系的理论分析 6

3.1 相关概念解释 6

3.1.1 最终控制人 6

3.1.2 金字塔股权结构 6

3.1.3 控制权与现金流权 7

3.1.4 企业价值 7

3.2 金字塔股权结构产生的理论基础 8

3.3 金字塔股权结构下最终控制人对企业价值影响的相关假设 9

3.3.1 控制权比例与企业价值的关系 9

3.3.2 上市公司所有权人性质与企业价值的关系 9

3.3.3 两权分离的程度与上市公司价值之间的关系 9

3.3.4 股权制衡度与上市公司价值之间的关系 10

第四章 相关实证分析 11

4.1 样本来源及数据的选取 11

4.2 变量的确定及建立模型 11

4.2.1 被解释变量的确定 11

4.2.2 解释变量的确定 11

4.2.3 控制变量的选取 12

4.2.4 模型的确定 12

4.3 相关实证分析 13

4.3.1 描述性统计 13

4.3.2 相关性分析 13

4.3.3 回归分析 15

第五章 结论、建议与研究展望 17

5.1 结论 17

5.2 相关政策建议 17

5.2.1 用立法的方式逐步完善中小股东的合法权益 17

5.2.2 完善对最终控制人的产权披露要求 17

5.2.3 为民营企业提供更多融资便利 18

5.3 研究展望 18

致 谢 19

参考文献(References) 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


鉴于全球范围内学术界对公司治理的高度关注,公司的股权结构也成为了很多研究人员的研究对象。在上个世纪末,La Porta等人(1999)对全世界范围内的27个发达国家和地区(阿根廷不属于发达国家,但也列入了研究对象)的上市企业的股权结构进行了初步研究,研究发现除了普通法系国家(以英国和美国为代表)的企业股权结构较为分散外,其他国家和地区(通常属于大陆法系区域,中国(香港地区除外)亦属于大陆法系区域)的企业所有权结构都相对比较集中,都存在着最终控制人(通常是国家或是家族),最终控制人通过金字塔结构的使用实现对大量企业的控制,同时也适度参与企业管理。此论文的作者之前还就发展中国家的股权结构进行过研究,得出发展中国家的股权结构同样也是非常集中的。[1]

